Do you or your stakeholders often seize vehicles, infotainment systems or telematics, or the exhibits contained within a vehicle at a crime scene? Do you need a way to document, consolidate and track this evidence within your laboratory more accurately?
Lima v2.7 includes a range of new features including the ability to now create vehicles as exhibit types or objects. This will enable laboratories who forensically examine vehicles to track all their activity and forensic processes through the Lima platform. Vehicle exhibit types will enable users to access all the same comprehensive user fields and tabs as other exhibit types including;
- Exhibit Details, including;
- Exhibit and seal references
- Storage location
- Seized time & date
- Special handling requirements
- Priority
- Exhibit status
- Exhibit Photographs
- Pre-Imaging Details
- Imaging Details
- Re-Seal Details
The vehicle exhibit type will also now give laboratories the ability to create scene subjects (suspects and or victims) located within a vehicle at the time of attendance at scene and accurately log any exhibit(s) seized from the subjects themselves. These exhibits can be logged as child-exhibits under the relevant parent object. This can include standard Lima exhibit types, ranging from HDD’s, thumb drives and laptops to Blu-ray disks, mobile phones and drones.
Any laboratories who undertakes large operations or investigations into serious and organised crime across multiple offences locations and subjects will benefit endlessly from this feature.
For Lima Enterprise users; not only will the vehicle exhibit type be accessible within the Lima client, but it will also be an accessible exhibit type for your clients whom submit cases to you via your Lima Portal.
The inclusion of the vehicle exhibit type is one in a long list of features that has been integrated into Lima from feedback and requests received by our ever-growing list of users. Our dedicated Lima development team work tirelessly to ensure as many features are included as possible, enabling our clients to focus more time to do what they do best. Keep an eye out for additional exhibit types and various other features in V2.7 and future releases.
Download Lima V2.7 as of 5th November 2019 via your Lima support portal account to enable this new feature, along with a range of other new features.
For more information on the latest Lima release please click the link here. Alternatively, you can also visit our LinkedIn page.