Cyber Security with the CQI Derby & Nottingham Branch

13 July 2017

IntaForensics and the Chartered Quality Institute are partnering together to bring you an event on Cyber Security. Join us both at the Derby Conference Centre on September 19th 2017, to get to grips with Cyber Security and how to protect yourself from the threat of cyber attackers!

We are delighted to be partnering with the CQI. The Chartered Quality InstituteĀ (CQI) is the UK’s leading global professional body advancing the practice of quality management in all sectors. CQI encompass the whole quality community, including quality management professionals (CQI members) and management systems auditors, which is where we share a common interest, and why we have paired together to help local businesses surrounding their branch in Birmingham.

The threat of a cyber-attack to your business is more real today than ever before. It is an indisputable fact that cybercrime is a huge risk to any business or individual with an online presence. You can however, take small but significant steps to protect your data and your livelihood. Here at IntaForensics, our team of security specialists are experts at highlighting the current threats and explaining the actions you can take in an easy to understand manner.

With a talk from our Director of Professional Services, Damian Walton and a live cyber attack demonstration from our Principal PFI consultant, Andrew Bassi, this session is designed to alert you to the risks faced by companies and individuals and provide signposting to ensure your company is safe from the current cyber threats. Based around the Cyber Essentials Scheme a tailored plan can be created to help you secure your business network.

Event Breakdown:

  • Cyber Security Presentation on the Current Cyber threats
  • LIVE Cyber Security attack demonstration
  • Expert Advice and Consultation
  • Refreshments Provided


  • Tuesday 19th September 2017
  • 18:00 ā€“ 20:30 BST


  • Derby Conference Centre
    London Road
    DE24 8UX

To secure yourself a seat at this event for free, please register online:

Register Now

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I can honestly say that your excellent customer service and communication has made our forensic instructions to you exceptionally easy. I am very conscious of the amount of time I must have taken up with various queries, requests, and then changed requests but you have always been very patient, polite and extremely helpful.

Case Review Manager - Criminal Cases Review Commission