Forensic Practitioners Praise Cutting-Edge Software

18 March 2011

The new 1.3 version of Lima Forensic Case Management Software has been launched to glowing critical acclaim within the computer forensics industry for its ground breaking usability and convenience.

Lima streamlines case and resource management and gives authorised personnel fully up-to-date with a case’s developments without the need to inundate your Laboratory staff with update requests. Lima is a complete time-saving solution that is exclusively designed and developed by digital forensic experts solely with Forensic Practitioners’ requirements in mind.

The new and improved innovative software has been a resounding success in the industry. Not only is Lima being used in the United Kingdom, but the software has been launched overseas and gained new and greatly satisfied users in countries such as Canada, United States and India in fields such as the financial sector, security industry, forensic service providers and also the Police High Tech Units.

Lima has a significant number of feature enhancements for both Server and Client applications, as well as improving the basic components to provide an essential addition for any case work.

This forward-thinking and innovative forensic practitioner management system is available for an online demonstration by calling 0845 0092600 (Intl  44 2476 377260) to register your contact details and preferred time for demonstration.

Talk to our consultation team today

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I can honestly say that your excellent customer service and communication has made our forensic instructions to you exceptionally easy. I am very conscious of the amount of time I must have taken up with various queries, requests, and then changed requests but you have always been very patient, polite and extremely helpful.

Case Review Manager - Criminal Cases Review Commission