We are hosting a course to support organisations in achieving ISO 17025 accreditation. With the Forensic Science Regulator’s deadline for ISO 17025 accreditation for digital forensics laboratories rapidly approaching, many organisations have found that they need to increase the capability and capacity of their internal audit team and programme.
Ensuring that the internal audit process is well structured, organised and executed on a regular basis is a vital component for ensuring that the requirements to achieve ISO 17025 or 17020 accreditation are met. These policies and procedures which have been specified need to be implemented and consistently checked as a key control mechanism.
Having sought and gained ISO17025 accreditation for the capture and preservation of digital data (forensic copy) for computer and digital storage devices, IntaForensics have worked with other organisations to develop a two day internal auditor’s course to assist organisations to:
- Understand internal auditing
- Develop internal audit programmes
- Preparation for internal audits
- Conduct of audits and questioning techniques
- Horizontal and Vertical Audits
- Method Witness Audits
The course will be led by Sandra Wilson, a highly experience tutor for internal auditing amongst other areas. Sandra has worked extensively with the law enforcement and commercial sectors on implementation of internal audit programmes.
IntaForensics Training Academy, Unit 16 Parker Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford ST18 0WP
Option One: 2nd and 3rd March 2017 (Thursday and Friday)
Option Two: 6th and 7th March 2017 (Monday and Tuesday)
To reserve your places on this course, please register online using the button below.
Our advice is to book early as demand is expected to be high for this course. Should you have any questions about the agenda or the course, please feel free to get in touch.