New Contact Details

19 August 2014

New Contact Details

IntaForensics are committed to ensuring we deal with your enquiry in the most efficient manner. With the new IntaForensics telephone system, we can ensure you get to the right person as efficiently as possible.

As we are currently integrating a new phone system, this comes with a set of new contact numbers for all of our flagship laboratories nationwide. All current 0845 numbers will cease to operate at of the 1st September 2014, so to ensure you can contact a member of the team, note the numbers below.

Nuneaton – Head Office

Tel: 0247 7717780

Fax: 0247 6012834


Leeds Regional Office

Tel: 0113 3237717

Fax: 0113 2987381



Warrington Regional Office

Tel: 01925 598232

Fax: 01925 520216


This new telephone system integrates Microsoft Lync, which brings with it a number of advantages, allowing IntaForensics to place your call to the right person at the right time.

Should you have any requirements for digital forensics in the future, or require any expert consultation as to how it could potentially aid in your case, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details above.

Talk to our consultation team today

Contact Us

I can honestly say that your excellent customer service and communication has made our forensic instructions to you exceptionally easy. I am very conscious of the amount of time I must have taken up with various queries, requests, and then changed requests but you have always been very patient, polite and extremely helpful.

Case Review Manager - Criminal Cases Review Commission